What is Aqualyx Fat Dissolver and Is It Right For You?

Fat dissolvers can sound like science fiction, we know. Is it really possible that a simple injection can literally dissolve fat deposits? Can weight loss be that easy?
There are several answers to these questions, but ultimately the one-word answer is: yes. Aqualyx is a fantastic, safe product that our expert teams offer to our clients every day … and it really does dissolve fat.
If this still sounds like something from a movie to you, read on …
What Is Aqualyx Fat Dissolver?
- It’s a type of bile acid
- It acts on fat cells directly
- And it works with your body’s natural defences.
This is usually question number two from our clients: OK, if Aqualux is real, then … what is it? It is a safe clinical treatment that acts upon fat deposits in your body to reduce and eliminate them. It needs to be undertaken by skilled and trained professionals – and ideally in a clinical environment like ours – but otherwise it is very straightforward.
Aqualyx is made from a plan compound that includes deoxycholic acid, which in our bodies works as part of our bile system to digest fat. Formulated as an injectable, it is able to attach fat cell membranes directly, turning them into a sort of mush that your lymphatic system can deal with easily and naturally.
We tend to suggest Aqualyx is using on stubborn fat deposits that you have been unable to combat through diet or exercise. This is where it’s best utilised.
How Do Fat Dissolving Injections Work?
- They “liquify” fat so the body can remove it>
- They are applied in precise parts of your body
- They are often given over a number of sessions
As we’ve already learned, Aqualyx is formulated using naturally occurring substances, which when combined enable the injected compound to “dissolve” the fat cells. The body is then able to clear the fat away itself. The key is to target the stubborn deposits that the body has been struggling with – and give it a helping hand in doing away with them.
Our expert team will identify the best points on your body to apply the injections. This step is key, since proper application of Aqualyx is critical to achieving the best results. Very often, you’ll need more than one session, too – so our team design a full treatment plan head of time with you, that is mapped specifically to your needs and situation.
Once Aqualyx has helped the body clear away those fat cells, they won’t come back – though of course a good diet and regular exercise will be required to ensure you don’t build up new ones! In other words, Aqualyx isn’t a weight loss treatment – it won’t keep you thin. But it can help you bring stubborn fat under control, so your wider health regime can have its best effect.
Are Fat Dissolving Injections Safe?
- Smile More’s expert team delivers Aqualyx treatments in a super-safe clinical environment
- We design appropriate treatment plans with each patient in mind
- Some minor side effects – such as short-term swelling – are common
When applied by knowledgeable teams in a clinical environment, Aqualyx fat dissolving injections are entirely safe. Our expert, highly trained teams understand the treatments, and how to design a course of injections for every individual. And our sterilised clinical environment is the best place to undergo Aqualyx treatments.
Of course, every treatment can have side effects. It’s normal, for example, for skin in the target area to be a little swollen for 3-5 days after the injection: this is because of the reaction Aqualyx has with the fat deposits, which is what enables the treatment to dissolve the fat. Bruising is also possible.
Sometimes you hear that Aqualyx leaves behind loose skin. This is only the case if the treatment has been applied to too large an area. This treatment is best used on smaller fat deposits that have proved hard to eliminate in other ways. Larger areas should be tackled in other ways first.
So fat dissolving injections are not science fiction: they’re here, and they’re a great option for those “wobbly bits” that just won’t shift. Talk to our expert team today about designing your bespoke Aqualyx treatment plan.